Youth Hub Christchurch is thrilled to announce Crusaders players Will Jordan and Codie Taylor as Youth Hub ambassadors.
"We are proud to partner with the Crusaders as they share a commitment to improve youth mental health and wellbeing,” Chair of the Youth Hub Trust Dame Sue Bagshaw says.
Will Jordan says he’s honoured to come onboard as an ambassador.
“Growing up in Canterbury I’ve seen the impact the earthquakes, Covid and other events have had on youth mental health and wellbeing. I’m excited to be part of the Youth Hub which provides a positive inclusive space for our younger generation to reach their potential,” Will says.
Likewise, teammate Codie Taylor is pleased to be joining the cause.
“Strong communities and working together to achieve our goals is very important to me. As a proud father, I believe in supporting rangatahi to develop their skills and confidence and I’m excited to help provide them with the tools and opportunities they need to succeed,” Codie says.
Dame Sue Bagshaw says the Youth Hub Trust is grateful for the ongoing support from the Crusade With Heart Foundation which raised $125,000 for the Hub through its 2024 Hall of Fame charity lunch and for their working bee in late 2024.
“We look forward to extending this partnership with Will and Codie as ambassadors and we know rangatahi visiting and living at the Hub will benefit from their involvement,” Dame Sue says.
Stage One of Youth Hub Christchurch opened late last year and includes a wraparound services block for a dozen youth providers including anchor tenants Te Tahi Youth, Voyce Whakarongo Mai, Youthline, Rerenga Awa (Canterbury Youth Workers Collective) and the Christchurch Youth Council, as well as an outdoor activities courtyard.
As part of the Crusaders’ pre-season, players, staff and some commercial partners spent an afternoon at the Youth Hub, digging gravel, filling garden beds with soil, weeding, cleaning, and even helping to weave tukutuku panel artworks.
“We’re incredibly proud to support Youth Hub Christchurch, a space that will provide a special and safe place for youth, particularly vulnerable youth, for many years to come,” says Kirsty Brown from the Crusade With Heart Foundation.
“We raised $125,000 at our 2024 Hall of Fame event, and we’re hopeful to exceed that in 2025. The opportunity for our entire organisation to visit the Hub and see firsthand what we’re raising money for was a great opportunity,” Kirsty says.
“Having leaders like Codie and Will champion this cause will only strengthen our connection and impact moving forward."
The Hub’s supported housing wing with 22 bedrooms will welcome its first batch of tenants on 3 February, while an Activities and Events Centre will be built in 2025. The Youth Hub Trust is focused on fundraising the $250,000 needed to fitout the Centre.
The Hub is expected to deliver more than 8000 connection points with young people aged between 10 and 25 annually.
